The Team

Gina Marek
President & Founder
Gina Marek founded the nonprofit MY FAVE FIVE in 2016 after her son Jacob died by suicide at the age of 15 on February 13, 2016. Through supporting friends, the idea of MY FAVE FIVE evolved and Gina found a way to channel her grief and work to fulfill her son’s purpose of helping others. The idea of initially helping teens create their network of support evolved, after COVID, to offering the app to everyone as everyone needs their own personalized network of support. Gina leads the nonprofit’s outreach efforts.

Carla Seemann, LPCC,
Board Member
Carla Seemann has been with MY FAVE FIVE since its inception as Behavioral Heatlh Advisor.

Tom Badger
Board Member
Tom Badger has been with MY FAVE FIVE since its inception as a board member and business development coordinator.

Angela Perkins,
Board Member
Angela Perkins joined MY FAVE FIVE in 2022 as a board member and community outreach coordinator.

Island Pitch
Technology Partner
Island Pitch’s Creative Technologists help MY FAVE FIVE Do Cool Things the Right Way!® with commissioned meditation music and mobile app development.
“My hope is that the MY FAVE FIVE app can reach as many individuals as possible through mental health centers, universities, veteran groups and the community. I will not stop my effort to help others until I am reunited with my son Jacob. I know he will be proud of my efforts and his legacy will live on through the MY FAVE FIVE app.”